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Admin Hub


The admin hub is designed to be extended so you can add your own screens.

You should develop your additional functionality using Laravel Livewire using the same approach as the core admin hub screens.

Brand Customisation

You can now modify the hub logo and fav icon, please publish views using the command below.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.hub.views

Staff Permissions

You can add additional permissions to authorise staff access. It will be shown in staff management screens for assign/revoke.

Here is an example of how you would add a permission in ServiceProvider

use Lunar\Hub\Auth\Manifest;
use Lunar\Hub\Auth\Permission;

public function boot()
    // ...
    $manifest = $this->app->get(Manifest::class);
    $manifest->addPermission(function (Permission $permission) {
        $permission->name = 'Permission name';
        $permission->handle = 'permission-handle'; // or 'group:handle to group permissions 
        $permission->description = 'Permission description';
    // ...


After adding new permissions, you must run lunar:hub:permissions command to register into the hub. The hub is using spatie/laravel-permission package


Additional permissions are catogarised as third-party permissions. You should still implement authorisation checking respectively.

Example: middleware 'can:permission-handle' in-code Auth::user()->can('permission-handle')

Adding to Menus

Lunar uses dynamic menus in the UI which you can extend to add further links.


Currently, only the side menu and settings menu are available to extend. But we will be adding further menus into the core editing screens soon.

Here is an example of how you would add a new link to the side menu.

use Lunar\Hub\Facades\Menu;

$slot = Menu::slot('sidebar');

$slot->addItem(function ($item) {

Adding a Section

A section allows you to group a collection of links. The section itself is a link.

Here is an example of how you would add a new section to the side menu.

use Lunar\Hub\Facades\Menu;

$slot = Menu::slot('sidebar');

$products = $slot

$products->addItem(function ($item) {

Extending a Section

You can add new links to one of the existing menu sections.

$ordersSection = $slot->section('hub.orders');
$productsSection = $slot->section('hub.products');

$productsSection->addItem(function ($item) {

You can also authorize the staff access using the gate method.

$productsSection->addItem(function ($item) {

Adding an Icon

Lunar comes with a collection of icons you can use in the Resources folder. If you wish to supply your own, simply use an SVG instead, e.g.

    <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#9A9AA9" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
        <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
        <line x1="15" y1="5" x2="15" y2="7" />
        <line x1="15" y1="11" x2="15" y2="13" />
        <line x1="15" y1="17" x2="15" y2="19" />
        <path d="M5 5h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 0 0 4v3a2 2 0 0 1 -2 2h-14a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2v-3a2 2 0 0 0 0 -4v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2" />


Slots allow you to add your own Livewire components to the screens around the hub. This is useful if you need to add extra forms or display certain data on pages like Product editing. Slots can be an extremely powerful addition to your store.

Creating a Slot

A Slot is a Livewire component that implements the AbstractSlot interface. Here's a basic example of how this might look:


namespace App\Hub\Components\Slots;

use Lunar\Hub\Slots\AbstractSlot;
use Lunar\Hub\Slots\Traits\HubSlot;
use Livewire\Component;

class SeoSlot extends Component implements AbstractSlot
    use HubSlot;

    public static function getName()
        return 'hub.components.products.slots.seo-slot';

    public function getSlotHandle()
        return 'seo-slot';

    public function getSlotInitialValue()
        return [];

    public function getSlotPosition()
        return 'top';

    public function getSlotTitle()
        return '';

    public function updateSlotModel()

    public function handleSlotSave($model, $data)
        $this->slotModel = $model;

    public function render()
        return view('');


When creating a slot the namespace should contain either Lunar or Hub in order for the middleware to apply correctly.

Available Methods

Aside from having all of Livewire's methods available, there are some additional methods you need to define for things to run smoothly.


This is the name of the Livewire component and is referenced when rendering it i.e.


When the Hub renders the component, we check for the existence of hub in the name to make sure the correct Middleware is applied without interfering with any components you may already have for your Storefront.

The name should be the same as how you've registered the component with Livewire:

Livewire::component('hub.product.slots.seo-slot', SeoSlot::class);


This should be the unique handle for your Slot.


This method allows you to set any initial values on your slot before rendering.


Each page that supports slots will have different positions available where they can be placed. Return the position you want it to appear here.


Return the title for the slot.


This is called when the parent component of your Slot is bound to changes. e.g. if you have a slot on the product editing component, this will be called when the product is saved.


Called before updateSlotModel so you can save any data you need to the database.


Standard Livewire method to render the component view.


This method allows you to store your data in the page and pass it to handleSlotSave on save

public function yourLivewireMethod(){
    // do something here
    $this->saveSlotData(['foo' => 'bar']);

public function handleSlotSave($model, $data)
    $foo = $data['foo'];
    // do your thing

Registering the Slot

Once you've created your Slot, you need to tell Lunar where it should go, you can do this in your ServiceProvider.

Slot::register('', SeoSlot::class);

Available Slots


Rendered on the product editing screen

topDisplayed at the top of the product editing sections
bottomDisplayed at the bottom of the product editing sections


Rendered on the product creation screen

topDisplayed at the top of the product creation sections
bottomDisplayed at the bottom of the product creation sections


Rendered on the product creation screen

topDisplayed at the top of both the product creation and editing sections
bottomDisplayed at the bottom of both the product creation and editing sections

topDisplayed at the top of both the product variant editing sections
bottomDisplayed at the bottom of both the product variant editing sections

Model View/Preview URLs

It can be useful to provide a link to a product in order for a store admin to see how it will live prior to it going live, or just to have a direct link to it. To enable this feature you will need to add a supporting class to config/lunar-hub/storefront.php.


namespace App\Storefront;

use Lunar\Models\Product;

class ProductUrls
    public function preview(Product $product)
        return route('product.preview', $product->defaultUrl?->slug, [
            'preview' => true,

    public function view(Product $product)
        return route('product.view', $product->defaultUrl?->slug);
'model_routes' => [
    // ...
    \Lunar\Models\Product::class => \App\Storefront\ProductUrls::class,


If you have registered your own discount types in the core, you will likely want to provide an interface so authenticated staff members can add the data required.


You need to make sure you have registered your discount with the Lunar core beforehand.

use Lunar\Hub\Facades\DiscountTypes;
use App\Http\Livewire\Components\CustomDiscountComponent;
use App\DiscountTypes\MyCustomDiscountType;

DiscountTypes::register(MyCustomDiscountType::class, CustomDiscountComponent::class);

The component UI should then appear when the user has chosen the custom discount type.

Create a Livewire component to handle your custom discount type.


namespace App\Http\Livewire\Components;

use Lunar\Facades\DB;
use Lunar\Models\Discount;
use Lunar\Hub\Http\Livewire\Components\Discounts\Types\AbstractDiscountType;

class CustomDiscountComponent extends AbstractDiscountType
     * The instance of the discount.
     * @var Discount
    public Discount $discount;

     * {@ineheritDoc}.
    public function rules()
        return [
            '' => 'array',

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function mount()

    public function getValidationMessages()
        return [];
     * Handle when the discount data is updated.
     * @return void
    public function updatedDiscountData()
        $this->emitUp('discountData.updated', $this->discount->data);

     * Save the product discount.
     * @return void
    public function save($discountId)
        $this->discount = Discount::find($discountId);
        DB::transaction(function () {
            // ...

     * Render the livewire component.
     * @return \Illuminate\View\View
    public function render()
        return view('my-custom-discount-ui')